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I Am Perfect

Hair loss is a personal and, at times, painful journey for those experiencing hair loss due to certain illnesses or diseases.

The "I Am Perfect" campaign, sponsored by TressAllure and collaborators, is designed to help you learn more about the world of wig-wearing and how wearing wigs can help you regain confidence.


What Makes the Perfect Wig?

     Natural Appearance: A perfect wig should closely mimic the look and texture of natural hair. 

 Realistic Hair Strands with varying shades  A Natural Hairline.  Looks like the hair is growing right out of your scalp.

 Dimensional Colors: Blend seamlessly with your own hair or skin tones 

 Comfortable Fit: Secure but not tight using materials that mold to the contours of your head.  

 Breathable: Lightweight materials and fibers that allow air circulation.

 Low-Density Hair- Specially knotted to look natural and not bushy.

 Versatility- A style-able fiber or human hair that allows you to style your wig just as you would your own hair.

 Durability- Made with fine, durable materials that can withstand regular wear and tear. 

 Affordable- Whether fully machine-made or hand-knotted, your wig should look realistic, never bushy, be comfortable, and make you smile. 

 Easy Maintenance: Requires minimal effort to keep it looking good.

  Confidence Boost: Ultimately, a perfect wig makes the wearer feel confident and comfortable. 


A wig should have a natural appearance:



 A Wig Should Be Affordable

 A Wig Should be Versatile